Adobe releases Creative Cloud 2014 + everything new is new(ly broken) again!

17 updates available for Creative Cloud Yesterday, following Adobe’s announcement of Creative Cloud 2014, I excitedly tried to update 17 apps at once on my work computer.

In my haste, I forgot to first close out of the programs I spend most of my day in: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver. And sometimes Fireworks. Poor Fireworks. That, naturally, led to this fellow popping up:

Please close the following applications to continue: Photoshop

I closed Photoshop and all the other programs and tried clicking retry. It. Kept. Popping. Up. Then Creative Cloud crashed. Uh-oh! After relaunching, the Apps tab of Creative Cloud said “Download Error” with a giant triangle exclamation point warning sign with a button I could click to try reloading applications. That button did not work. There was a link telling me to contact support. Since Creative Cloud had just launched, support was down. Joy. After taking twitter, user @phostershop suggested I try the Adobe Cleaner Tool.

I uninstalled Photoshop, After Effects (the app the update process choked on), InDesign, Illustrator and ran the cleaner tool, selecting ALL applications (I wouldn’t recommend this, though it did free up 20 gigabytes of hard drive space… and remove all of my Adobe apps). After several restarts, I was still having no luck. Luckily Adobe Support had returned in the meantime, so I got on chat to talk to a support tech.

The tech had me open the Finder, click on the GO menu > go to folder, and type “~/Library” (my user folder). I then navigated to Application Support/Adobe and renamed ‘AAMUpdater’ and ‘OOBE’ to ‘AAMUpdaterold’ and ‘OOBEold.’

Then in Finder he had me click on the GO menu > go to folder, and type “/Library.” Then I had to navigate to Application Support/Adobe and rename ‘AAMUpdater’ to ‘AAMUpdaterold.’

I then relaunched the Creative Cloud app which unfortunately froze. After restarting my computer for the umpteenth time… success! The Apps tab had returned to functioning. It lists apps I still have installed as able to install. I’m worried if I click the install button my computer will explode, so I am holding off for now.


Also, I recently started having an issue where after turning my computer on, Creative Cloud would tell me “administration rights are required to complete Adobe add ons.” A google search lead me to this Adobe Support Community post. After changing the permissions for the folders as directed and restarting the message went away, which is great because now I can use Photoshop again where the TIFF options menu now looks like this for some reason:

Photoshop CC (2014) TiFF Options Menu

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