If you follow me on tumblr, twitter, instagram, or facebook (sorry, gotta get that cross-promotion mojo going since tumblr is dying), you’ll know I’ve been doing pixel portraits for #pixeltober…. Continue Reading →
If you follow me on tumblr, twitter, instagram, or facebook (sorry, gotta get that cross-promotion mojo going since tumblr is dying), you’ll know I’ve been doing pixel portraits for #pixeltober…. Continue Reading →
Get your pixel portraits here! As part of Kickstarter’s Make 100 push, I’ve launched my very own pixel portrait commission project. The Kickstarter runs until March 2nd, so pledge… Continue Reading →
Do your iMessage conversations lack bad internet art? That no longer needs to be the case with the brand-spanking-new make something awful every day sticker app. Get it in the… Continue Reading →
make something awful every day: year one from Topher McCulloch on Vimeo. Here’s the video wrap-up of year one of #msaed. If anyone out there is great with a synthesizer… Continue Reading →
I just wrapped up the first year of the Make Something Awful Every Day Project (#msaed), and I’ll soon be compiling a book and video to further document the project… Continue Reading →